Changeset [aabcdc1857d64227e07ce3baa583b6ba80721d78] by Simon Chiang

May 1st, 2008 @ 10:39 AM

Refactoring. Defined OrderArray to handle declaration history in class configuration. Defined Framework to encompass basic, shared methods and modules for task-like classes. Began separating out Framework methods from Configurable, etc. Many tests disabled at present.

Committed by bahuvrihi

  • A lib/tap/support/framework.rb
  • A lib/tap/support/order_array.rb
  • A test/support/configurable_methods_test.rb
  • A test/support/framework_test.rb
  • A test/support/order_array_test.rb
  • M lib/tap.rb
  • M lib/tap/support/batchable.rb
  • M lib/tap/support/class_configuration.rb
  • M lib/tap/support/configurable.rb
  • M lib/tap/support/configurable_methods.rb
  • M lib/tap/task.rb
  • M lib/tap/workflow.rb
  • M test/support/class_configuration_test.rb
  • M test/support/configurable_test.rb
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A framework for making configurable, file-based tasks and workflows.