#89 ✓resolved

replacing rake

Reported by bahuvrihi | August 26th, 2008 @ 07:25 AM

There's still plenty of room left to replace rake. Add to the declaration syntax the same kind of rakish sugar:

  Tap.task({name => [deps..]}, {configs}) do |task, inputs|

Now you've got dependency declaration. And then in framework class you add a:

  • instance
  • dependency_instance
  • *generic*

What have you... you add a flag to the generic to signify executed or not. On enque, the generics are enqued/prioritized if necessary (ie unexecuted).

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • bahuvrihi

    bahuvrihi August 26th, 2008 @ 07:57 AM

    Dependencies should be declarable in a task:

      class Sample < Tap::Task
        depends_on Class
        depends_on 'class'

    No modification of the generic class here, though... there should be a different syntax for changing the generic task from the command line. Dependencies should be class based, and the instance should be able to access the dependency/results of the dependency.

    From the command line:

    --* indicates the generic instance
  • bahuvrihi

    bahuvrihi September 27th, 2008 @ 08:53 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “resolved”
    • Assigned user set to “bahuvrihi”

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A framework for making configurable, file-based tasks and workflows.

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